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Ddfgb ffg

Passing Score: 10 %   Category: HALF YEARLY   Price: 5 Author: sadmin
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Passing Score: 30 %   Category: HALF YEARLY   Price: 23 Author: sadmin
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LAW 101

Passing Score: 70 %   Category: HALF YEARLY   Price: Free Author: sadmin
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Physics : Medical (15th Sept 2017 to 31st Sept 2017 Batch)

Passing Score: 55 %   Category: Physics Engineering   Price: 100 Author: teacher
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Physics : Engineering (1st Sept 2017 to 15th Sept 2017 Batch)

Passing Score: 85 %   Category: Engineerng   Price: 100 Author: teacher
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Physics : Engineering (15th Sept 2017 to 31st Sept 2017 Batch)

Passing Score: 99 %   Category: Physics Engineering   Price: 100 Author: teacher
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Physics : Engineering (1st Oct 2017 to 15th Oct 2017 Batch)

Passing Score: 99 %   Category: Physics Engineering   Price: 100 Author: teacher
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Passing Score: 50 %   Category: Physics Engineering   Price: 32 Author: sadmin
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Passing Score: 80 %   Category: HALF YEARLY   Price: Free Author: teacher
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Passing Score: 50 %   Category: Physics   Price: 10 Author: sadmin
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Passing Score: 50 %   Category: Engineerng   Price: 10 Author: sadmin
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science exam

Passing Score: 50 %   Category: Physics   Price: 4 Author: teacher
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Passing Score: 50 %   Category: good   Price: 30 Author: teacher
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Passing Score: 90 %   Category: Engineerng   Price: 200 Author: sadmin
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Passing Score: 20 %   Category: zam   Price: Free Author: teacher
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Passing Score: 44 %   Category: Engg - Chemistry   Price: Free Author: sadmin
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Standard 1 KSSR - Multipications

Passing Score: 50 %   Category: Mathematics   Price: Free Author: teacher
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Passing Score: 50 %   Category: Mathematics   Price: Free Author: teacher
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new chem

Passing Score: 40 %   Category: Engineerng   Price: Free Author: sadmin
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Passing Score: 11 %   Category: Engineerng   Price: 11 Author: sadmin
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Passing Score: 35 %   Category: Engg - Chemistry   Price: 250 Author: teacher
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Passing Score: 10 %   Category: Engineerng   Price: 100 Author: teacher
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Passing Score: 10 %   Category: Engineerng   Price: 100 Author: teacher
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Passing Score: 12 %   Category: Engineerng   Price: 12 Author: sadmin
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Passing Score: 80 %   Category: Physics   Price: 60 Author: admin
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Passing Score: 80 %   Category: binainu   Price: 20 Author: sadmin
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Sample Exam

Passing Score: 40 %   Category: Engineerng   Price: Free Author: admin
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General Test

Passing Score: 40 %   Category: Engg - Chemistry   Price: 10 Author: sadmin
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Passing Score: 80 %   Category: Mathematics   Price: Free Author: teacher
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Passing Score: 40 %   Category: binainu   Price: Free Author: sadmin
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Passing Score: 50 %   Category: WAEC   Price: Free Author: teacher
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